CPA Societies

Partner with CPAx for CPE Learning
CPA Crossings (CPAx) partners with over 45 US states and Canadian provinces to provide leading class CPE content to members.
Our society partners benefit in sharing our courses developed and presented by our educator team. We partner with over 65+ nationally recognized Subject Matter Experts to draw upon their expertise for quality CPE learning at all levels and across all fields of study.
We have grown to offer over 4000 webinars annually, giving society members a full compliment of choices to fulfill their learning needs.
CPAx collaborates with our partners in the identification, development and delivery of course content and promotional communications, so our CPA society partners can rest easy knowing they have a CPE partner they can rely on!
Partner with CPAx for Research
For many state CPA societies, growing and retaining membership
is a challenge and fewer people are attending in-person events.
What worked well yesterday may not work as well tomorrow.
Now is the time for state CPA societies to try new ways to
increase relevance to appeal to current and prospective
members. Publishing state-specific research can increase value
and impact retention.
CPA Crossings will create research instruments, conduct data collection, analyze results, and produce a research report
with narrative, charts, and data visualization. We will also provide Launch Support to ensure that your investment in
research gets members’ attention.
CPAx provides attractive pricing models that no other research consultant can match. CPAx understands that research is the foundation of learning and relevant to attracting and retaining members!